Yes, you can live your best life!

My “Made for More” Motivational Event

Posted on: March 20, 2016


Yesterday was a very big day for me. For the longest God had been dealing with me regarding encouraging others by speaking into their lives, on a different platform than just everday conversation and social media. I love people and talking, so for God to use me the way he did was really awesome.

Everyday I try to encourage others and stay positive. In my room at my job, I have a sign that reads, Happiness is a choice! I truly believe those words and I try to stay concious of being happy regardless of what’s going on around me.

When God first revealed to me that he wanted me to hold an event I began to have many questions: Where, when, how, what should I speak about?? After calming my spirit and my mind he gave me the answers I was searching for.

The title came to me as clear as me writing this blog post. God said call it, Made for More. I really liked that title because I do believe God created us for so much more than just living, going to work, chauffeuring children to different activities, doing this everyday, then dying. I refuse to have that cycle be my story. God created me on purpose, for a purpose.

Next, I questioned where to hold the event. Should I rent a facility? I was so confused, but God with his infinite wisdom led me to simply have it in my home. I’m paying a mortgage, so why not use it?!?!

For weeks I pondered over what to say to those with whom I invited. In time, God told me exactly what to say and how to say it.

Finally the day arrived and as I prepared refreshments for my guest and clean the house, the spirit of God overtook me. I thanked him for the opportunity to speak to his children and for his blessings to overtake my guests as they received wisdom spoken through me from him.

The event lasted almost two hours and I can honestly say, I enjoyed every minute of it. I realize everyone is at a different place in their lives, so I prayed that one nugget of wisdom could propel someone into realizing their purpose.

Everyone had an opportunity to win a door prize and the refreshments were super yummy.


So as I reflect on yesterday, I am extremely grateful to God for the opportunity to share what he had placed in my heart. I thank God for the ladies that attended because I know everyone is super busy. So for them to stop by and share their time with me was truly a blessing.

My next event will be held in June, so I will be in prayer regarding what I should say and present. I love being used by God. I am grateful for what he is doing in my life and in the lives on my friends.

You too were Made of More. Your life has purpose, but its up to you to find out what your purpose and gifts are. And when you do, just make sure you use them to glorify God.

Be encouraged!

Just my thoughts…Adrian

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