Yes, you can live your best life!

Posts Tagged ‘motivational

Super excited about speaking at my MADE FOR MORE Motivational event on Saturday. I know many people were not able to make it, so I wanted to share the video of the event. I pray it blesses you.

I can’t believe June will be here in only a few days. Wow, where has this year gone? It seems as though time is going on warp speed. As I sit here I ponder on my dreams and goals. Am I accomplishing the things I set out to do? Am I giving life to my vision board? Am I using my gifts and talents to encourage and help others? Tomorrow is not promised, so staying focused is a must.

In my opinion life is a balancing act. With working full time, being a mom, a newlywed, author and aspiring motivational speaker, I need more time. Or, do I?

“Redeeming the time because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:16

This scripture speaks volumes. With all that I am trying to accomplish in my life, I must be wise with my time. I must be wise with who I hang around and the activities I endulge in. I must stay focused on my goals, my dreams and visions.

Life is a balancing act, but with focus things can be accomplished. With focus you can cause your dreams to become a reality. Balancing means you’re not trying to keep up with the Jones’s. Balancing means you are in tune with the time you have, thus you make the most of it.

Leaning how to balance doesn’t happen over night, so don’t get discouraged. But rather, with each day focus on your goals a little at a time. Celebrate the small sucesses and always appauld yourself. Pray for direction and always keep moving in a foward direction.

Before you know it, the time you have been given was used wisely and effectively and you were able to accomplish a lot.


“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

Everyone has a purpose, a reason for their existence. Everyone also has been giving a gift in which God embeded in your being when you were given life. Some people have one, while others may have many others. But, regardless of the number of gifts given, my question to you is…what are you doing with what you’ve been given?

God gets excited when we praise him, but I believe he also gets excited when we use our gifts to his glory as we help and encourage others around us. It’s unfortunate when someone has wasted many precious years of their life not knowing their purpose or what their gift is. Our time here on this earth is very limited, thus one goal I encourage everyone to do is find out is why you are here.

Finding this out takes some alone time. Finding this out means not logging into social media or your emails, but actually sitting by yourself while talking to your Creator. He has all the anwsers, so quiet yourself and listen to his voice. He will answer your questions and give you direction.

Next, once you’ve figured out your purpose, dreams and goals you must only focus on YOUR purpose, dreams and goals. I say this because it is very easy to look left or right and see the suceess of someone else and get discouraged. Their race is not yours, so stay focused.

Trusting God in the midst of living out your dreams and goals is a must. It’s so easy to fill like a failure when things aren’t lining up the way you would want them to. It’s easy to want to give up when you need a certain amount of cash, only to look at the balance in your bank and you don’t have the needed funds.

It’s during these times God wants you to stop looking at your situation. Stop looking at your “right now,” but rather see things how he sees them. Daily focus on seeing life the way God sees it. Practice living a faith lifestyle. Take life one day at a time, one prayer at a time. Above all, never give up.

Begin to see things no one else can see. See things the way God intended for you to see them. Stop looking at life like every other human. You are a child of God, thus you were created for greatness. I want to encourage you to work your gift the way only you can work it!

Believe in yourself. Change your vision, thus changing your life!

Over the last few months I have been working diligently on a daily devotional, that God has placed in my heart to write. Of course, it took longer than expected due to the busyness of life. But, I am super excited to say now it is finally done and ready to share it with the world. My prayer is that people are blessed and encouraged by the words.


Just my thoughts…Adrian

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