Yes, you can live your best life!

Posts Tagged ‘mistakes

We all have a past. For many, some of the decisions that were made were not the best. But regardless, all decisions have led you to be who you are today. Yes, better choices could have your life on a different path, but you have to stop beating yourself up and keep pushing forward. Focus on the present and how to make your future better. 

If you keep allowing yourself to focus on past mistakes, you will never see the blessings of today. God is so forgiving despite what people think. But often it’s us who can’t forgive ourselves. 

If in the past a business venture didn’t work out, try it again. Do something different than before. Put a twist on it.  Faith will take you a long way. If a relationship ended that you wanted badly, cry hard one good time and let it go. There is someone out there who wants to love you. You are amazing. 

Never accept defeat! 

The past is there to teach us, but we can’t wallow in it. If God has given you a new day, take hold of it and make the best of it. You are awesome. You are not your past. You have potentional. 

Believe in yourself and your future!

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